Outside of poetry and literature, one of the most efficient and creative uses of English is to be found in advertisements. Adverts have to communicate their message almost instantly, without the reader having to wonder over the meaning. They also have to be memorable; the advertiser wants the consumer to remember their ad every time they think about buying that type of product.
Slogans often seem so simple and short, many think that they are easy to write. Try it and see! You’ll find there is a great of deal of hidden art behind the creation of a good slogan, and this is why many famous writers have been employed as copywriters. Novelists Fay Weldon (Go to work on an egg) and Salman Rushdie (Naughty, but nice) both worked in advertising before their careers took off.
Many of us can recall slogans from the past, which is a testament to their power and persuasiveness. “A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play”, “Have a break, have a Kit Kat”, “Guinness is good for you”, “Put a Tiger in your tank,” have all stood the test of time. You can see how the rhythm of these balanced sentences and the use of alliteration helps you to memorise them.
Advertising slogans have developed in many ways and now, when it is increasingly hard to stand out from the crowd, advertisers are paid a great deal of money to come up with something that will grab attention. Often modern slogans emphasise lifestyle and empowerment: “Just Do It”, “Impossible is Nothing”, “Commit to fit”. These slogans show just how integrated our minds and motivations have become with the products we use.
Have a look around you and try to spot as many advertising slogans as you can. Stop and think about the words that have been used. You will notice the innovative ways that advertisers use to sell you stuff!